Unbreakable is the documentary series that follows disabled New Zealanders as they achieve an important ambition. It’s back on air for a second incredible series, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Two Paralympians star in Unbreakable series 2. Who are they?
Wheelchair rugby players Cody Everson and Barney Koneferenisi star in series 2 of Unbreakable. In the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Cody was the captain of the Wheel Blacks, our national Wheelchair rugby team, and Barney Koneferenisi was the top try scorer.
Where can I watch them?
The show is on TVNZ 1 on Tuesdays at 8.30pm. You can also catch all the released episodes on TVNZ+ at a time which suits you.
Who created the show?
Rachel Currie and her company Storymaker made Unbreakable. You can read the Spinoff’s interview with Rachel on why she made it here: