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Shared initiatives with Parafeds

Large group of workshop participants sitting for photo

One of three projects within the PNZ Strengthen & Adapt Plan, “Collectively Stronger Together” aims to drive national and regional collaboration to achieve organisational role clarity, strategic alignment, and capitalise on shared expertise to improve operating approaches and deliver on shared initiatives that strengthen, align and enhance community Para sport outcomes across New Zealand.

Building strategic partnership and areas of alignment between PNZ and Parafed organisations

  • This is seen as integral to the success of this project. Working to co-design a shared vision and develop strategic alignments is a key component to achieving a stronger Para sport system.
  • Service level agreements, and regular workshops to co-design shared, implement, measure and evaluate agreed community Para sport initiatives will underpin the outcome – Collectively Stronger Together. 
  • Facilitate PNZ and Parafed or similar organisations workshop to co-evaluate progress, further develop trusted relationships, and review strategic priorities. 

What has been achieved so far?

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