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News posted on Monday 10th June, 2024

Paralympics New Zealand partners with NZME

Advertisement for a chance to win a trip to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games by nominating a local legend at The image features three athletes in black shirts with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Logos of NZ Paralympic Team, Flight Centre, and Newstalk ZB are also displayed.

To give more Kiwis something to talk about, Paralympics New Zealand (PNZ) is pleased to announce that New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) has joined its valued group of partners as a Media Partner ahead of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

NZME has partnered with PNZ to support the NZ Paralympic Team, raising awareness of these inspiring athletes, and following the Team’s journey in Paris.

Encompassed in the partnership, Newstalk ZB is now the Official Radio Partner, and NZ Herald is the Official Print and Digital Partner of PNZ.

Twelve Para athletes have been named so far in the NZ Paralympic Team to take on the world in Paris, with the Paralympic Games beginning on 28 August and running through until 8 September. Interest in our athletes’ campaigns leading up to, and during the Games, promises to be greater than ever.

Emily Travers, NZME Head of Commercial Sport, Partnership and Events, says:

“NZME is so pleased to support our New Zealand Paralympic Team, embodying diversity and resilience. Through our partnership, we aim to raise awareness of the team and their inspiring goals, which we will champion in collaboration with Paralympics New Zealand. Aligned with our sustainability commitment, NZME is committed to giving back to the community and supporting causes that make a positive impact.”

Jenifer Hunt, PNZ Head of Commercial and Marketing, says:

“It’s so important to have the voices of our Paralympians heard and their amazing achievements at the pinnacle event for Para athletes shared with all New Zealanders. So we’re thrilled to partner with NZME, knowing their wide connection through audio, print and digital platforms will help us share our story.”

As part of the partnership, PNZ has teamed up with Newstalk ZB and Flight Centre to give away a trip for two to France, to experience the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games in person. The prize winner will be a deserving local legend – a Kiwi volunteer in the community who gives their time to supporting the next generation of athletes. The prize includes flights for two, seven nights accommodation, tickets to sporting events, and a hospitality experience with PNZ.

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