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Paralympian Profile

Gavin Foulsham #77

Gavin Foulsham, New Zealand Paralympian

As a youngster Gavin Foulsham was a passionate rugby player despite the challenge of playing on prosthetics. But it was wheelchair racing that soon became his sport of choice. Gavin competed at two Paralympic Games, Barcelona 1992 and Sydney 2000 and in many World Championships until 2006. Today, the General Manager at Napier’s Classic New Zealand Sheepskin Tannery has not left his passion for sport behind. Last year Gavin decided to return to international Para sport but this time in Para rowing. He states that it is always a huge honour to wear the silver fern, but the bigger challenge is constantly being able to do justice to that honour. Gavin is also very well supported by his family. The love of Para sport runs in the family. His wife Rebecca has been involved as a classifier with Paralympics New Zealand for many years.

Gavin officially received his ‘numbered’ Paralympic pin as part of The Celebration Project in Auckland in February 2020.

Paralympic Results
Paralympic GamesResult
Barcelona 1992 Paralympic Games
Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games


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